ZP News – Select Titles are Now Available at Smashwords!

As of 2023 – select Zumaya Publication Authors and Titles are now available through Smashwords!

Zumaya at Smashwords

Check out titles by:

Linda Andrews

Mike DiCerto

Shelly Gail Morris

Gloria Oliver

Roberta Rogow

and Kathryn Sullivan

You can subscribe there for Publisher or even Author alerts!

To celebrate – several of the titles are 25 to 75% off until July 31, 2023! And The Christmas Village by Linda Andrews is FREE until 7/31/23!

Grab these deals while they last! Just scroll down this page to see all the available titles and specials.

New Release – Otherworlds Imprint – Eyes of Lorr

Eyes of Lorr

by Roberta Rogow

Eyes of Lorr by Roberta Rogow

There are too many eyes on the prize.

It was a simple job—find the naive outlander’s lost journal, lost during a liaison with a local “joyboy”. It sounded liked her client was even more worried about the way he lost his book than he was about the book.

But then the joyboy winds up dead, followed shortly thereafter by her client; and it’s clear she’s not the only one who wants that missing book. Worse, whoever it is, is prepared to kill her to make sure she doesn’t find it.

Pola’s a loner, but this time it’s clear she needs help—if only to make sure no one’s sneaking up behind her with murderous intent.

A Pola Drach Mystery – Bool 2

ISBN: 978-1612713915 (Trade Paperback), 978-161271392 (Kindle), 978-1612713939 (ePub)

Page Count – 270

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

Read a sample!

Eyes of Lorr Sample

New Release – Otherworlds Imprint – Lorr and Disorder

Lorr and Disorder

by Rogerta Rogow

Lorr and Disorder by Roberta Rogow

Nothing is what it seems in the City of Lorr…

Just ask Pola Drach, Independent Eye. In a city founded by refugees from a dying earth long ago, she pursues dark secrets and exposes the shadowy underbelly of society. Who killed the ambitious model? And was that who she really was? Who’s forcing shopkeepers to buy worthless stock, and circulating funny money? Why is the youngest scion of one of the city’s richest families suddenly a target?

Most important for Pola—Who wants her dead?

ISBN: 978 1612714097 (eBook),  978-1612714080 (Trade Paperback)

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

Page Count – 236

Read a sample!

New Release – Otherworlds Imprint – Madness in Manatas

Madness in Manatas

by Roberta Rogow

Madness in Manatas by Roberta Rogow

This holiday is no vacation

Ned Cooper had made plenty of enemies with his loud vocal attacks on every religion that wasn’t his, but it didn’t seem to Halvar that was enough to justify a knife in the back. Nevertheless, there he is—dead as one of his own barrels. Then Guardsman Zoltan meets a similar fate, and one with even more suspects given his protection racket on the docks and his constant harassment of the women in the souk.

Are these murders personal, or might they be connected to the muskets the captain of the Belle Fleur was smuggling into Manatas? Was Master Albrecht making gunpowder for those guns? Will Halvar still have a job after his contract expires on New Year’s Day?

The intrepid Dane is once again knee-deep in corpses and on the wrong end of pointed weapons. Can he solve all the mysteries before his term of office ends? And what will he do, stuck in Nova Mundum, if someone doesn’t renew his contract?”

The Saga of Halvar the Hireling – Book 6

ISBN: 978-1-612713878 (eBook), 978-1612713861 (Trade Paperback)

Page Count – 240

Ebook Bundle contains the Following Formats: ePub (Nook), Mobi (Kindle), PDF

Read a sample!


Click to access MadnessInManatasSample.pdf


Also available from the following retailers:

Trade paperback


Pre-Order Titles!


We’re trying something new to give you your series and author fix as soon as possible. The ZP Store is taking advance orders for upcoming eBook Bundles.


The Crown of Zeus by Christine Norris. Book 5 of the Library of Athena series. Thresholds Imprint.

Thresholds Imprint

Madness in Manatas by Roberta Rogow. Book 6 of the Saga of Halvar the Hierling series. Otherworlds Imprint.

Otherworlds Imprint

If you’ve not yet checked out either of these series, here are the books that have come before!

The Library of Athena Series Page.


The Saga of Halvar the Hireling Series Page.

New Release – Otherworlds Imprint – Malice in Manatas

Malice in Manatas

by Roberta Rogow

Malice in Manatas

A dead boy, a cougar, and peanuts…

Halvar the Hireling, now the Captain of the Town Guard, must deal with the deaths of a messenger boy and a respected professor of mathematics, both of which may be linked to a shipment of arms being smuggled into Manatas. To make matters worse, a cougar has been spotted in the hills north of the town. Sectarian disputes and personal rivalries make for a not-so-happy holiday for this ex-mercenary and reluctant detective.

The Saga of Halvar the Hireling – Book 5

ISBN: 9781612713441

Size: 5 X 8

Page Count – 286

Read a sample!


Click to access MaliceInManatasSample.pdf

Also available from the following retailers:

Trade paperback


ZP Author and Artist News for Dec 2016

December 2016



Author Rebecca Kightlinger just copyedited three fiction pieces for The Stonecoast Review. All three have been submitted for the Pushcart Prize. Wish her luck!


Author Roberta Rogow will be the Fan Guest of Honor at Lunacon 2017. Congrats!

LunaCon 2017


Artist François Thisdale recently won the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award. The award is the highest recognition in Canada for Children’s Literature. Two books he illustrated had been shortlisted in previous years. This year he won the Award for his illustrations in the book Missing Nimama. Congrats!

Missing Nimama


Artist Jared Boggess’ cover for the Assassination of Ambrose Bierce has won the Society of Illustrators 59—one of the top competitions in the states. It will be featured in their exhibit this February. This is his second book cover selected by the Society of Illustrators. Congrats!

Assassination - Jared Boggess



Book Trailers


This month’s book trailer is for Gloria Oliver’s YA novel – Willing Sacrifice.


ZP Author and Artist News for Nov 2016

November 2016

Boo Witch



Author Rie Sheridan Rose will be participating in this years NaNoWriMo. This will be the 13th year she has participated in the event. Rie commented “some have been more successful than others. ;)” Kudos to all who decide to participate this year. Good luck!


Author Gloria oliver recently released a historical/alternate history/thriller novelette titled Charity and Sacrifice.

Gloria also recently went on an overseas trip for a one week whirlwind tour in the Mediterranean. Here are a couple of tantalizing pictures from her trip.

Gloria Oliver - Mediterranean Trip - Cinque Terre

Gloria Oliver - Mediterranean - Sunset


Author Roberta Rogow’s song “The ship” has been nominated for the Pegasus Award for Best Classic Filk, given by the Ohio Valley Filk Fest. The winner will be announced on November 5, at the convention’s banquet. Let’s wish her luck!


Author Kim Baccellia’s YA thriller Candle In The Wind is a finalist in the Pages From the Heart RWA contest! Congrats!





Author Rie Sheridan Rose will be at the Wimberley Flood Gauges 1st Variety Sale & Show (Steampunk Event) on 11/5/2016.


Author Roberta Rogow will be attending PhilCon on 11/18-11/20/2016.

She will also be at ChessieCon 2016 on 11/25-11/27/2016.


We hope you have a
Happy Halloween

New Release – Otherworlds Imprint – Menace In Manatas

Menace in Manatas

Who killed the captain?

It’s not bad enough that Halvar is stuck in Manatas while Don Felipe is off exploring the New World. Now he’s got a dead ship captain on his hands, a nobleman and his virago wife complaining about their living accommodations, and an enemy from his past who claims to be just passing through.

The bodies, though, seem to keep piling up, while the clues continue to be elusive. There’s something rotten going on, but finding out exactly what it is and whose killing people is turning out to be tougher than any job he’s had so far.

The Saga of Halvar the Hireling – Book 4

ISBN: 9781612713151

Size: 5 X 8

Page Count – 236


Read a sample!

ZP Author and Artist News for April 2016

April 2016



(writing as K.D. Hays) will be featured in Southern Writers Magazine’s “What’s the Story” section explaining the inspiration for her latest book, Roped In. Since Kate was a jump rope coach for eight years and Roped In is a mystery surrounding a jump rope competition, the story behind the story could have easily stretched to novel length all by itself.

Stephen Tiano – who works as a book designer, Page Compositor and Layour Artist – has been quite busy recently. He’s currently working on three book interiors, one of which is a sort of retelling of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with a transgender twist!

See some of what he’s been working on below.

Author has signed a contract with Leadstart Publishing Corp. for his upcoming non-fiction work Life After Life; Lifting the veil on Death. Congrats!

has a short story titled “It’s…Complicated” in the anthology Lightships and Sabers which should see release 4/18/16.









Book Trailers


This month’s book trailer is for novel – Always Ali!

