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Welcome to the Zumaya Publications’ Catalog!

Welcome, reader, to the Zumaya Publications online bookstore. Please take as long as you like browsing the aisles and poking in the corners. We’ve spent the last two decades offering the kind of stories the mainstream publishers rejected—not because they weren’t excellent but because they didn’t fit into whatever was trending.

For your convenience, we’ve listed our titles by imprint, but the fact is some of our books are hard to fit into any one category. After all, life doesn’t fit into neat little boxes, either.

Please note sales from the ZP eBookstore are for the US only. The book page will have a list of other stores where the books are available and sell to other countries. We apologize for the inconvenience.

As we’ve stated in our privacy policy, we don’t sell your personal information. Ever. We sell books here, not data, and your private information belongs to you. So does your financial information. It does mean that, unlike Amazon or Barnes & Noble, we won’t be telling you what we think you might like or what other people who bought the book you did went on to add to their shopping cart. We’d rather let you wander around and discover great reading on your own.

Please let us know if you have any questions. Otherwise, thank you for coming by, and enjoy your visit.


Categories – click on one to see a list of all the books in that category or use our search feature on the menu bar to look for specific titles or authors.


Arcane Imprint  Boundless Imprint
The mysteries of the spirit are many, and whether you believe or not is irrelevant. Zumaya Arcane offers those mysteries. You decide. Books with characters who are gay, lesbian, transgendered or bisexual rather than about them. Where there are no artificial boundaries, anything is possible.
Embraces Imprint Enigma Imprint
Stories for, by and about men, women and how, who and what they are together and separately. Explore love and life in all its aspects of joy and sorrow. Puzzles wait to be unraveled, danger lurks in shadows and adventure appears when least expected.
Otherworlds Imprint Fabled Ink Imprint
Discover worlds where magic rules or science is king. Take a journey with us. If one picture is worth a 1,000 words, then Zumaya’s Fabled Ink Imprint, which offers quality graphic novels and illustrated adult and YA fiction, is a library all on its own.
Thresholds Imprint Yesterdays Imprint
Journey into the past, both real and imaginary. Who knows what wonders lie just beyond an open door to the imagination?
Eclectica Imprint
Short stories, literary fiction, and everything you could possibly expect to find where good books live.

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